NYC EI: Early Intervention Program


What is the NYC Early Intervention Program?

"The Early Intervention Program is part of a national effort initiated by Congress in 1986 through the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Public Law 99-457). The law created an entitlement to a wide range of rehabilitative services for infants and toddlers from birth through age three. The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene is the lead City agency; the New York State Department of Health coordinates the statewide network of services.

Early Intervention is a comprehensive inter-agency program that supports infants and children with developmental delays in their efforts to realize their full potential. It reduces the likelihood of delays among at-risk children, assists and empowers families to meet their child's and their own needs, and entitles children, regardless of race, ethnicity or income, to services through the program."  Text taken from NYC: Early Intervention Program. 

How Does SMILE Participate in the NYC Early Intervention Program?

We offer center-based therapeutic services to children eligible for the Early Intervention Program. Services are provided in our fully equipped Center. All services are provided by New York State licensed, certified professionals.

Speech Language Pathologists facilitate normal language development and oral motor skills.

Occupational Therapists work with children to enhance their sensory integration skills, fine motor and functional adaptive skills.

Physical Therapists assist children in maximizing their gross motor development, enhance movement quality and facilitate functional motor control. 

Please contact us at 212-400-0383 or email: for EI Services.